Sexy Sexy !!! (go back »)

July 10 2007, 6:35 PM

IF We Had Sex Game... Now don't be scared.... you never know who really wants to do you! Here are the rules to the game.. REPLY SO ONLY I SEE IT AND REPOST SO OTHERS CAN FILL OUT! 1. Would you be in control? ...................................................... 2. Would you pull my hair? ......................................................... 3. Would you whisper in my ear? .................................................. 4. Would you talk dirty to me? ........................................... 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? ...................................................... 6. Would you say my name?........................................................... 7. Would you go down on me? ............................................... 8. Would you give me a hickie? ............................................... 9. How many rounds would we go? ............................................... 10. What would you wanna do afterwards?............................................... 11. Would you take off all your clothes then take mine off slowly?............................................... 12. Would you lick and bite me all over? ............................................... 13. Would you like to play or get straight to the point?............................................... 16. Would you go fast or slow? ............................................... 17. Where would you wanna "do it"? ............................................... 18. Would you be loud or quiet?............................................... ............................................... 19. Would you want me to be loud or quiet? ............................................... 21. Do you like me? ............................................... 22. Would you call me the next day? ............................................... 23. Would you scratch me?............................................... 25. Would you have to be drunk?............................................... 26. Would you date me? ............................................... 28. Would you do it tomorrow?............................................... i was incred boredd ! whatt wood u du ?


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  • 17 years old


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